Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweet Valentine's Expression of Love

Today is Valentine's Day.  My husband did not give me roses, or one of those fancy, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates.  He didn't take me out for a romantic, candlelit dinner, or buy me jewelry.

Some women would be looking at me with pity, or looking at my husband with disgust.  They would think he has not displayed his love to me, on this national day of love and romance.  Oh, but they are so far from the truth!!
Over the weekend, when many couples were beginning to celebrate the holiday of romance, our family was hit with a very bad stomach bug.  The two youngest children got it first, then I got it, then three more of the children.  Usually, when the children are sick, I am the one to care for them.  But this bug was so severe, I could not, in fact, I could not take care of myself.
Gene came home from work to a household of sickness, and no supper.  Many husbands would have complained, or left for the evening.  Not Gene.  He dumped buckets of vomit, and washed soiled sheets.  He brought cold drinks, and tylenol.  He refreshed cold cloths for feverish faces.  He mopped up accidents from floors, and changed dirty diapers.  He made trips to the store to bring home drinks and soup.  During this time, the two oldest girls were both at winter camp.  Some fathers would have gone after them to help with the sick family, but Gene did not.  He wanted them to enjoy their weekend, and hopefully avoid this plague.

During his acts of love and sacrifice, I never heard him complain, or say that we better not make him sick with this bug.  Sadly, Sunday night, he did get the stomach bug, too.  Just as I was beginning to feel better, and could take care of him:) 

I would have enjoyed flowers, and I never turn down chocolates.  But the actions of my husband showed more love than cheap trinkets and flowers that fade, and flavorful treats that get added to the waist line.  So, feel sorry for me if you like, I know what true love is;)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is true romance and love, helping out in a situation like that! I've gotten to the point that I try to have low expectations for dates, anniversaries, etc. LIFE HAPPENS with a bunch of kids and I don't want to be disappointed for no reason.

    I hope you are all better. That stomach virus has hit many families, including ours.
