How many? is a question I hear quite often.
How many children do you have? Really?
This is the question that leads into a whole list of "how many" questions.
How many rolls of toilet paper do you go through in a month? We go through about 30 rolls of toilet paper in a month. It is real easy, the beginning of every month I buy the biggest pack available, which happens to be 30 rolls. They must package it just for us!
How many loaves of bread does your family eat each week? We eat sandwiches for lunch almost every day, and it takes an entire loaf of bread to feed us all. So that would mean we eat 6-7loaves each week.
Along with the bread question, comes the milk. How many gallons of milk do we drink each week? This one really varies. If someone in the household makes chocolate chip cookies, we can go through almost a gallon of milk while enjoying them. Otherwise, I would say we go through about 1 gallon a day. Christopher is lactose intolerant and drinks Lactaid instead. He drinks about 1 1/2 gallons a week.
How many loads of laundry do you do each week? My goal is to do 4 loads of laundry each day. I don't always accomplish that goal. Generally, we do about 20 loads each week.
How many bedrooms do you have in your house? We have 5 bedrooms.
How many times a week do you vacuum? That varies. My goal is every other day. Sometimes, when the children are being extra messy, it gets done daily. When we are extra busy, well, we won't go there:)
I don't mind the curious questions. It is interesting for others, I'm sure, to know how we compare in many areas. Some items are hard to compare since we buy them in much larger containers than the average household, such as the gallon of shampoo and conditioner, that lasts us about 1yr.
We also get some nosey questions, ones that I don't answer, or I'll answer with a question. For instance, I was always taught it is not good manners to ask someone how much money they make. Yet people feel we are fair game for such a question. My mama was horrified when I mentioned this to her.
The big question inquiring minds want to know is: How many children are you going to have??! This is one I cannot answer. Only the creator of my children knows how many more He will special make just for me.
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