Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sibling Compassion

Lately, Christopher and Trinity have become compassionate toward each other, to a degree that is unusual. At least, it seems unusual to me in comparison to how my other children were at this age. Don't get me wrong, they can still fight and squabble with each other. Their biggest cause for discord is when I hold one and not the other, this is especially distressing to Trinity. She is unhappy until she is on my lap as well.

But I have noticed something else, when they are seperated for nap and bedtime, Trinity cries. Christopher sleeps upstairs, and Trinity sleeps down in my room. When Christopher goes up to bed Trinity will stand at the bottom of the steps, on the other side of the gate, and cry.

Last night, as I was walking behind Christopher up the steps, Trinity was across the livingroom and began crying. Christopher turned to look for her and she was not at the bottom of the steps. He would not take another step, when I tried to coax him to continue, he first made himself stiff, when I persisted, he made himself limp. I had to pick him up to keep him from falling. He was not happy until he could see that "Kiki" as he calls her, was ok.
When Trinity falls, or bumps herself, Christopher is there to pat her and say, "Awww Kiki", til she smiles again.

Trinity is the same way with her big brother. If he is crying, she *needs* to be near him. If she can't be near him, she cries, as well. She will pat him on the back, too, when he cries.

I am amazed at this sweet special bond my two little ones have.

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