Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick Children

Sickness is making its rounds here at the shoe. For many families, colds and respiratory illnesses are not a big deal. But when you have children with asthma, a simple cold can turn into something life threatening. I have had to be watchful and alert for signs of breathing troubles. My trusty stethoscope has been my companion.

The children that I had hoped would not get this bug have gotten it. Sarah, who is my worst with asthma, has needed breathing treatments for many days. When this was no longer holding her, we called the doctor, who felt comfortable, because of her history and my assessment skills, to call in prescriptions to the pharmacy for her. She is doing so much better on the new medication.
Christopher, with his low muscle tone, has a hard time clearing his airway, when he gets sick. So far, he is doing well. He has had a fever and cough, but has not wheezed.
Trinity, my littlest shoe dweller, was very sick last night. For a while, I wondered if we would need to have her seen, which would mean taking her to the ER since it is a weekend. She had a fever of 103.6, and she was wheezing. Her little heart was racing, so I was hesitant to give her a breathing treatment with medication that would speed her heart up even more. So, I started with dealing with the fever. I gave her Tylenol and a tepid bath. This brought her temp down to 101. After that, her heart rate slowed down to normal, and she was able to breath better, her wheezing was gone. I am still watching her today for any signs of getting worse.

I am reminded again of how blessed I am. When my children are sick, I can call the doctor, he can call something to the pharmacy for them, or see them, if need be. I can go to the store and by tylenol. I have a nebulizer and can give them breathing treatments.
So many mothers around the world have to sit helplessly by, while their little ones suffer and die. Often the illnesses that take their children are ones that can be treated. Tylenol would be a luxury for them. Even the comfort of water to drink and to cool their feverish little bodies would be a precious thing.
Even though I am tempted to complain because my children are sick, I am choosing to praise the Lord for all He has blessed me with.
Which reminds me, it is time for another round of Tylenol.

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